Thursday, August 19, 2010

Today's Learning - Writing Skills

      In Malaysia, students usually made their choice of universities depending on Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia(SPM) result. In other side, they also choose by their interest to what their need to learn about. They must choose the best universities by looking several aspects. By supporting from family members, students suppose to be smart while choose the universities that they want to apply. The factor including is aspect, courses offered, and facilities.

     Talk about the aspects,they whose the student should look for the location of the  universities and the environment either safe or not.First,they must be away from the disturbances of social life example disco where as most of the people spend their time during night.Other than that, safety environment are most important.The location of the universities should be preferred able such as aoid from industrial areas like factory because all of  this can cause student expose to air pollution and other problems.

     Furthermore, student should consider courses that offered from universities.First,student should considered about their interest to ward their need to learn about.Do not simply accept the courses that they did not interest.This is because they cannot learn properly.In the other side,a student suppose looking the opportunity for the job based on their courses to avoid they become the jobless after graduated.However, the student need consider the fees for the each courses that did not expensive and depending on student's afford.

     In addition to, student should looking for the facilities such as accommodations is provide like hostel nearby to the universities and available to obtain the food.Besides that,universities management should provide transportation to easy for student go to the class.

      As a conclusion, students should think all the aspects before make a decision to apply any courses.Every universities or any institutions have their own advantages and disadvantages.So, we need to choose the courses that make we have a good future life and interested to learn about it.

-Thank You-

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